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Feb 11, 2022

Scarcity of Chips Feeds Frustration, Inflation

Michael Liedtke and Matt O'Brien | Industrial Equipment News

Intel CEO Patrick Gelsinger at an event in in Newark, Ohio, Jan. 21, 2022.

Scarcity of Chips Feeds Frustration, Inflation

Even coming off its fastest annual growth in 37 years, the U.S. 对互联网技术至关重要的计算机芯片持续短缺,仍使经济陷入困境, transports and entertains us.

自两年多前与大流行相关的封锁导致亚洲主要芯片工厂关闭以来,这个问题一直在加剧. Now it threatens to extend into the indefinite future, despite the semiconductor industry’s efforts to catch up with demand.

The House of Representatives passed a bill Feb. 4 该计划可能向半导体行业提供520亿美元的拨款和补贴,以帮助提振美国的半导体产业.S. 这是拜登政府的首要任务,现在必须与参议院8个月前通过的版本协调一致. The European Union revealed its own $48 billion plan Tuesday to boost microchip production within the 27-nation bloc.

汽车短缺已经激怒了消费者,他们无法在已经售罄的汽车经销商那里买到自己想要的新车, 迫使一些人接受以异常高的价格出售的二手车. Unable to secure all the microprocessors needed for today's cars, 汽车行业关闭了一些工厂,去年的汽车产量比最初预期减少了约800万辆, driving up prices and fueling inflation, according to U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

处理器供应不足也推迟了救生医疗设备的生产, smartphones, video game consoles, laptops 以及其他曾经随处可见的现代便利设施,在过去的一年里变得越来越稀缺.

“A COVID outbreak, a natural disaster, political instability, anywhere, in any factory, anywhere in the world, 扰乱了我们美国的供应链,并在整个经济中产生连锁反应,” Raimondo told reporters Friday.

Is the pandemic to blame?

Yes, but it's not the only culprit. 疫情促使芯片工厂在2020年初开始关闭, particularly overseas, where most of the processors are made. By the time they started to reopen, they had a backlog of orders to fill.


For instance, 在经历了近10年的稳步下滑之后,没有人在进入2020年的时候会想到个人电脑销量会出现飙升. 但封锁确实起到了作用,迫使数百万办公室职员在家工作,而学生大多是远程上课.

Were there other factors?

Even prior to the pandemic, 芯片制造商在生产电子装配线和一些汽车中仍在使用的老式微处理器与需要重组工厂以生产用于电动汽车和正在建设的超快5G无线网络的芯片之间难以取得平衡.


数十年来向亚洲低成本芯片工厂的转移也加剧了美国的形势.S. and prompted recent efforts to boost local production. 该行业对台湾的依赖尤为严重,中国长期以来一直声称台湾是其领土.

“We are so far behind," Raimondo told reporters Friday. “就国家安全而言,我们处于如此危险的境地,仅仅是因为我们最先进的产品依赖台湾, leading-edge chips.”

The U.S. 全球芯片制造市场的份额从1990年的37%下降到今天的12%, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association, a trade group. The main reason: it costs 30% more to operate a chip factory in the U.S. 该组织估计,在10年的时间里,这一比例要高于台湾、韩国或新加坡.


How serious is the shortage?

The U.S. 美国商务部估计,2021年对芯片的需求比2019年大流行前的水平增长了17%,远远超过了工厂目前能够以90%左右的产能生产的水平. Chip buyers’ inventories are down to a median of about five days, down from 40 days before the pandemic.


这种挤压推高了芯片和依赖芯片的产品的价格, especially automobiles. 去年二手车价格飙升了37%,这是造成今天令人不安的高通胀率的一个关键因素. 美联储的目标是通过提高利率和借贷成本来降低这一水平.

Is any relief in sight?

There are some glimmers of hope, particularly in the auto industry. 通用汽车(General Motors)首席执行官玛丽•巴拉(Mary Barra)在发布最新季度业绩时表示 the chip supply is looking better in the U.S. 这使得这家汽车制造商预计今年的营业利润将创下历史新高.

根据汽车购买应用程序CoPilot收集的数据,飙升的二手车价格似乎也有所缓和. After peaking during the holiday shopping season, prices for 2015-2021 models have fallen by 1% to 4%. 该公司首席执行官帕特•瑞安表示:“汽车市场终于开始了回归正常的漫长旅程.

Can we avoid future shortages?

The chip industry is undergoing an unprecedented expansion. 芯片制造商预计今年将投资1,500亿美元新建工厂,并采取其他措施来满足日益增长的需求,去年的投资额与此相当, according to the SIA. Before the current spree began, 该行业的年度资本支出从未超过1150亿美元.

The projects include a $40 billion commitment by Intel to build new chip factories in Arizona and Ohio, 除了为自己的公司生产微处理器外,它第一次计划在哪里为其他公司生产微处理器. Samsung, GlobalFoundries and Micron have also revealed U.S. expansion plans. Those are positive steps as the U.S. 试图减少对海外工厂的依赖,而大部分芯片都是在海外工厂生产的, although it will still be years before more of that production cranks up.

Meanwhile, 福特(Ford)和通用汽车(General Motors)等主要汽车制造商一直试图通过与芯片制造商建立合作关系来解决芯片短缺问题.

政府为扩大芯片生产提供的520亿美元资金是一项旨在提振美国制造业的更广泛法案的一部分.S. competitiveness. While there's bipartisan support for boosting domestic chip production, 参议院和众议院的议员们仍然需要就分歧进行谈判. 该法案还包括450亿美元用于加强高科技产品的供应链和其他优先事项,这些事项引起了共和党人对其成本和范围的担忧.
