

威尼斯注册送38元 - 2018年6月20日

年度最佳铸造师: 可持续性 Drives Waupaca铸造

香农吉姆 | 现代铸造



年度最佳铸造师: 可持续性 Drives Waupaca铸造

The metalcasting industry has been recycling metal since the process was born, 但加里·吉甘特认为这只是表面现象. 八年前, Gigante, 现已退休的威尼斯注册送38元总裁兼首席执行官, 向行业传达了强烈的信息,敦促铸造厂更加努力地提高效率,尽量减少浪费. 在他的2010年AFS Hoyt纪念演讲中, 吉甘特呼吁该行业拥抱可持续发展的可能性,并开始在整个过程的各个方面考虑绿色. Within Waupaca铸造, significant sustainability goals were set for 2020 to lead by example.  

“他希望Waupaca在这一举措中发挥领导作用,以表明这对行业和我们公司的生存能力很重要,迈克·尼古拉说, 首席执行官, Waupaca铸造. “He defined what our targets would be and formed how we look at sustainability. 好的一面是,它最终在财务上是有意义的.”

尽管吉甘特在2016年退休了, 他的遗产在威尼斯注册送38元永存, 随着2020年的临近和第一个10年可持续发展计划的结束,该公司积累了一长串可持续发展成就.

年度最佳铸造师: 可持续性 Drives Waupaca铸造
沃帕卡的代表, 威斯康辛州-based Waupaca铸造 plants pose in front of one of the foundries. 图为(从左上顺时针方向)马可·冈萨雷斯, 能源管理器, 科比每, 环境协调员, 保罗·泰尔, 工程经理, 安德鲁·塞林上校, 环境工程师, 托德·甘德森, 环境经理, 布莱恩Levezow, 助理维修经理, 戴尔Hardel, 工程经理, 布莱恩告诉, 1厂厂长, 托德·佩格尔, 工厂2/3工厂经理, 和迈克·尼古拉, 总统, 首席运营官和首席执行官.

From 2009-2016, Waupaca铸造 reduced its cumulative energy intensity by 18.9%自愿成为联合国宪章成员.S. 能源部节能工厂项目. 堆填区的废物已大幅减少,减少了71.3%的副产品现在完全不用填埋.

From 2015-2016 alone, Waupaca铸造 reduced its water use by 22%.

In 2017, its Plant 1 in Waupaca, 威斯康辛州, became the first U.S. 金铸工厂获得认可的ISO 50001能源管理体系认证. 植物2/3, 也在沃帕卡, has made significant reductions in energy by improving the yield of its highest volume parts. 另外, 机械和热砂回收装置的安装减少了废物流,压缩机和热回收系统中的闭环减少了能源和水的使用.

For the significant sustainability efforts and accomplishments, 威尼斯注册送38元在沃帕卡, 威斯康辛州, have been named the 2018 现代铸造 Metalcaster of the Year.

1号工厂的ISO 50001认证是威尼斯注册送38元实现减少能源使用的管理方法的巅峰之一.

"It's basically showing that as with 环境 and 质量 systems, 我们有同等水平的关注和可用的指标来监测能源,并有适当的程序来影响持续改进,布莱恩特·埃施说, 环境协调员, Waupaca铸造. “我们不再追逐项目. Plant 1 dove in and did a fantastic job being enthusiastic and ultimately successful."

使用与质量ISO认证类似的格式, ISO 50001指示灰铁厂识别重要的能源用户,并对其进行评分和排名. 该设施使用焦炭, 天然气和电力作为其能源,沃帕卡必须找到一种通用的方法来测量使用情况. 它确定了每吨铁熔化100万英热单位.

"Controlling energy in a foundry is complex because a lot of variables are going on,马尔科·冈萨雷斯说, 沃帕卡的能源经理. "Generally, we needed to show how we related energy to production. 为了实现这个价值, 我们必须深入到这个过程中,并研究一些事情,比如熔化一吨铁需要多少焦炭, 熔炉熔化那一吨铁的效率有多高, 或者工厂车间的流程有多高效."

沃帕卡不仅关注使用量,还关注成本,并对天然气和电力采取了同样的方法. 能源小组确定,1号厂70%的能源消耗与熔化一吨铁有关,但20%的能源实际上是用于环境控制设备.

"This is the analysis part of ISO that gives us focus of w在这里 to look,冈萨雷斯说. "We have to look at the 20% of the equipment that generates 80% of the consumption."

By identifying the major energy drains and using the million BTUs per ton of iron melted, Waupaca铸造 could start to see w在这里 improvements would generate the biggest impact. 这种方法并不局限于1号厂, although it is the first plant to achieve the ISO accreditation. Gonzalez and Esch both work on the corporate Waupaca铸造 level, 支持所有沃帕卡工厂的环境和工厂经理实现合规和节能.


“沃帕卡擅长收集数据,我们将所有数据汇总在一起,生成相关信息,使我们走上正确的道路,冈萨雷斯说. "Yield relates to how much ton of iron is melted and how much tons are in the final product. 所以,如果我们提高产量,我们肯定会减少生产最终零件所需的能量."


"We were in a situation w在这里 we were running out of melt capacity,托德·佩格尔说, 2/3号厂的厂长. "By improving our yield we were able to give the melting area some breathing room. Once you run into a production limiter, like iron supply, how do you chase productivity? 这是一种方法."

在1号厂房, 哪个比2/3号植物的成分更多样化, it recently has focused on making equipment upgrades to its compressor systems. It installed a new air-cooled two-stage rotary screw air compressor, replacing a water-cooled reciprocating air compressor unit that was more than 30 years old. The $124,000 investment yielded not just compressed air and energy reduction. The plant reduced its water use by 7 million gallons for a $70,000 annual savings. 每年还能节省6500美元的维护费用.

“我们还能够利用压缩空气系统重新利用余热来加热建筑的部分区域,戴尔·哈德尔说, 工程经理. “这个项目证明了这一点, 如果你组建一个团队, 把注意力集中在一个问题上,并以一种有条理的方式把它联系起来, 你可以做出改进."

The focus on sustainability is built into the culture of Waupaca铸造, 据其管理团队的几名成员透露. 这反映在公司的Waupaca方式生产管理系统安全方法中概述的主要类别中, 环境, 人, 质量, 响应性, 成本.

“我们谈论的是企业层面的环境问题, 工厂管理水平, 一直到车间,佩格尔说. "It is integrated in everything we do and it is supported and built into the management system."

威尼斯注册送38元每月进行一次运营审查,每个工厂向公司管理团队报告其在工厂各个方面的表现,包括可持续性. 在工厂层面, 可持续发展是在每月的会议上讨论的, and appointed energy teams meet every month to discuss ongoing projects and opportunities. 埃施和冈萨雷斯, as the corporate 环境协调员 and 能源管理器, supports the plants by providing information and data on w在这里 reductions could be made.

“科比和马可确实为我们提供了实施好想法所需的方向和资源. 事情没那么简单,但事实就是如此。. "It's baked in the cake; it's the way we operate."

In 2014, Waupaca铸造 was acquired by Hitachi Metals Ltd. (东京).  新的所有权可能会偏离可持续发展目标, 但日立对可持续发展的看法与Gigante的愿景和沃帕卡的既定文化是一致的.

"Hitachi Metals has a strong 环境 initiative in the U.S. 并对其有更长远的展望,”尼古拉说. "A lot of our low-hanging fruit—the ones with an ROI of three-to five-years—is gone, 所以现在我们考虑的是8-10年的投资回报, 他们支持这一点."

威尼斯注册送38元(Waupaca铸造)在公司层面指示其工厂始终要有两个潜在的节能项目“准备就绪”,“因此,当做出投资决定时, 该项目可以快速实施. Gonzalez helps keep the pipeline of projects open by analyzing the energy data, calculating 成本s and giving plants the information they need to prioritize.

马可承担起责任说, “我要研究这些系统,把成本放在一起,成本会自己说话,佩格尔说. "We want to put the fewest capital dollars into a project that will have the most impact."

每家工厂的能源团队将介绍资本项目的商业案例,以改善能源使用. 一旦获得批准, 成立了一个特别的项目小组, 哪个项目至少每周开一次会,直到项目完成. The project teams involve individuals from different areas of production, 包括工程, 维护, 以及团队领导.

“我们在制定和实施科比和他的团队为工厂提出的计划的第一线,保罗·泰尔说, 工程经理. "We are doing the nuts and bolts part on the engineering side. 我们的维修经理, 工程团队, 基层员工——那些在生产方面的人——都对改进我们的流程有想法,他们自下而上地进行过滤."

威尼斯注册送38元努力确保所有项目都是为了公司的各个方面的集体利益, so a project to improve energy efficiency should not end up hurting the 质量 of the product, nor should a core room expansion be detrimental to the closed loop compressor system. 为了达到这种平衡, each affected area of the business is involved in the decision making process.

“你必须设计项目,让他们对维护人员友好,因为如果你不能维护它, 这将归结为一个生产问题,佩格尔说. €œBy吸引那些不仅是设计项目,而且必须与结果一起生活的人, 你成功的机会就会大得多."

这种团队合作的方式使沃帕卡的员工在工作中始终牢记改进. And 环境 issues are responded to with the same urgency as production issues.

"If something messes up w在这里 maybe the closed loop system shuts down, 或者我们注意到一个漏洞, it is 维护's responsibility to identify the issue or problem, 处理好这个问题, 然后告诉大家发生了什么,安德鲁·塞林说, 环境工程师. "I don't see our goals as something we hope to achieve, but something we will achieve."

工厂1将很快实施仪表板,以帮助使能源效率的目标和进展更容易看到工厂的员工. 很快, 各部门将会看到可视化的水电费账单, 戴尔这样称呼他们, 管理他们的能源影响,并努力改进.

"We have a legacy of continuous improvement and this is an extension of that,萨拉·蒂姆说, 市场及传讯经理. "The folks who work for Waupaca铸造 are very engaged and contribute a great deal."

威尼斯注册送38元于2010年启动了为期10年的可持续发展计划,事实证明,该计划在大幅减少废物、水和能源消耗方面取得了成功. 组织和客户都注意到了这一点. In 2017, It received the Excellence in Energy Efficiency Award from 威斯康辛州's Focus on Energy Program, and the Environmental Stewardship Award from Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Co.  

"可持续性 goes back to our continuous improvement culture," Nikolai said. “你可以从客户那里获得成本降低的赞誉——他们认识到你不仅在做有利于环境的事情,而且也在做有利于他们长期成本的事情."   

点击 在这里 来看看这个故事,因为它出现在2018年6月刊 现代铸造

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