

全球有限公司 - 2020年7月31日


比尔Berutti | 工业设备新闻


The author predicts that companies will not only continue this trend, but adjust their entire supply chains accordingly.

Even before the start of 2020, a trend toward 近岸 to North America was emerging. 现在, 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间, we predict companies will not only continue this trend – they will also adjust their entire supply chains toward more geographically spread production. With supply chains dispersing, two key outcomes are likely:

  1. The appetite for more advanced technology on the shop floor will grow as manufacturers look for ways to connect their business while increasing productivity.
  2. We will see more and more demand for workers who are skilled in using this smart 制造业 technology to help drive the business forward.


如果说这次大流行让人明白了一件事, it was this: Relying on one country to produce the world’s supply of medical equipment, medication or other goods puts everyone at risk for production disruptions or shortages. 

通过强调这种风险, COVID-19 effectively accelerated the trend toward 近岸, which we initially saw in 2019 when companies began to decrease their reliance on Asian countries by moving production to other regions. This shift was validated by the Kearney Reshoring Index, which found that for the first time in five consecutive years, 你.S. domestic 制造业 “commanded a significantly greater share versus the 14 Asian low-cost countries (LCCs),与中国, 特别是, 经历更大的活动衰退. 

除了近岸, manufacturers are also looking to minimize their risk by diversifying production locations. If one region suffers a natural disaster or problem, another can pick up production in the meantime. 在COVID-19大流行开始期间, some companies that produced parts exclusively in China had no other option than to fly chartered planes overseas in order to ship their goods. 当危机袭来, the ability to redistribute production or quickly ship parts becomes essential to keeping a business thriving. 


An added benefit of 近岸 制造业 to North America is the enormous potential it creates for investment in tools and technology to drive increased efficiencies and productivity. 为了实现这些目标, many manufacturers are turning to the promise of smart 制造业 technology. But, to realize that promise, they need workers who are adept at using this advanced technology.  

目前, 53 percent of smart 制造业 jobs are vacant, according to the most recent Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute 技能差距和未来的工作学习. 随着制造商展望未来, they’ll have to think beyond operators on the line, CNC操作工和焊工. 行业4.0 and the smart 制造业 movement will require that 制造业 workers be capable of using smart technology on the shop floor.

的丛 制造技术现状报告, which showcases insights from more than 200 manufacturers, found that 77 percent of respondents are either implementing or planning to implement smart 制造业 solutions. The survey also showed that companies are prioritizing technology and new production technology, which means they need a workforce that can drive the business forward with data-driven decision making based on advancements in IT/OT convergence and industrial IoT.

The convergence of the physical with digital technology – also known as the Fourth 工业 Revolution – is defining the skills required of the next generation. Access to key data and information enables companies to respond to challenges with more agility and be more adaptable to change in real-time. But they can’t do that unless its workers know how to collect, 综合和分析这些信息. 


Nearshoring and the availability of smart technology, combined with a skilled workforce capable of using it, have the power to kick the smart 制造业 movement into overdrive in the years ahead. 行业4.0 might be realized more quickly than we anticipated. 

One reason for this is the accessibility of smart 制造业 technology, which is now within the reach of more manufacturers than ever before. 云MES, ERP, 供应链管理, 工业 IoT and analytics solutions are available to connect people, 系统, 机器和供应链, which gives manufacturers the ability to lead with precision, efficiency and agility in an ever-changing market. 当策略性地运用和执行时, technology is a defining factor in successfully overcoming industry and internal challenges to meet business objectives. 

While COVID-19 has certainly added to the existing challenges faced by the 制造业 industry, it might also serve as the positive catalyst for dramatic change required to realize the promise of smart 制造业. The next few years of 制造业 will undoubtedly be transformative ones.


#制造业 #近岸

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